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How To Manifest Love With A Specific Person Using The Law Of Attraction

Writer's picture: Sara EvansSara Evans

Have resigned yourself to the single life, even though you know deep down that you still yearn to

find love. However, the good news is that no matter how bleak your experiences have been, it is possible to manifest love! Sometimes even with a specific person. Let’s take a closer look at how the Law of Attraction can help you better understand your struggles and manifest love that lasts. Why Can’t I Find Love? If you’re going to manifest your soulmate, it’s vital to first understand why it is that your attempts to find love so often go awry. Everyone’s story of looking for love is slightly different.

However, there are often common factors in play that can block you from creating the romance you deserve to have. For example, you may find the following are true of you:

  • You’ve unconsciously shut down. After being hurt and disappointed, a part of you may be trying to protect your heart from future pain. Unfortunately, this also shuts you off from the potential to find love as well.

  • You have unfinished business. It’s hard to attract love if you still have one foot in the past. Perhaps you’ve never quite processed a particularly rough relationship. Or maybe there’s an old partner you find it hard to let go.

  • You’ve lost faith. When you’ve been looking for love for a long time, you may stop believing that there’s such a thing as a soul mate. You may be tempted to settle for an “okay” relationship rather than committing to a mission to find love.

However, there are techniques that can teach you how to manifest love in general, or with a specific person. 3 Steps To Start Looking For Love With Real Intention If you’re looking to learn how to manifest love fast, the key message you need to internalize is that you have to start looking for love with real intention. What this means is that you must learn how to align yourself with a vibrational frequency that can attract love rather than further disappointment, and that you need to develop a vivid, clear sense of what you’re actually trying to do when you aim to manifest love. Many of us never refine our concept of what looking for love means. The Universe can’t help us find love if we don’t really know what we actually want. Here are four ways to start looking for love with real intention today. Make The Decision You Want To Find Love And Design Your Life Partner Step 1: Essentially, you need to make the decision that you really want to attract this life partner. Then, truly commit to the idea of spending the rest of your life with this person. Making this commitment may involve processing old wounds (e.g. via journaling or therapy). Hopefully, the past can be left behind and you can opt to embrace hope instead of fear. Once you’ve made your decision, a big part of understanding how to manifest love with a specific person lies in getting a clear sense of what it is about this person that makes you believe that looking for love with them will truly make you happy. As such, part of making a manifestation commitment involves beginning to analyze yourself in a new, deeper way. Let The Universe Know You Are Ready Step 2: It’s time to let the universe know you’re truly ready to manifest your soulmate. Simply coming into a more positive vibrational alignment can certainly help you find love. However, there’s also a specific process you can follow to help you attract love more quickly. These steps will open you up to a soul-deep connection with the specific person you want to find love with:

  • Set a clear intention. First, write something down until you get the words right. Then when you’re happy, say them out loud as you look at yourself in the mirror. Some examples include “I am ready to manifest love and I open my heart to my one true soulmate” and “My mind is clear, my heart is open, and I am ready to welcome my soulmate in.”

  • Affirm your belief in your soulmate. While you’ve already worked hard to combat limiting beliefs and create a clear image of the person you want to be with, you make it easier for the Universe to send that person your way if you constantly stay connected to your belief that they exist. Try daily affirmations (written or spoken) like “I am looking for love, and my soulmate is on their way to me”. Plus, “Nothing will stop me from receiving the love of my soulmate.”

  • Multi-sensory visualization. Take your creative visualization further and begin to spend longer daily sessions imagining every aspect of being with your soulmate. The stronger this mental image, the stronger the pull you will exert on them. Think not only about how they will look but also how they will sound, smell and feel. You might also try picturing significant moments in your life. For example, visualize events like sharing a bed for the first time, getting married or having children.

Trust and Understand the Process Step 3: As you work to manifest your soulmate, the final stage of your journey to attract love involves cultivating patience. Embrace this sense of peace as you accept that the Universe can – and will – give you what you need. Although you’ve been focusing on how to manifest love with a specific person, looking for love through Law of Attraction techniques rests on your ability to trust that the Universe knows exactly what kind of partner can help you manifest love that lasts. Don’t fret about when you’re going to find your soulmate. But rather, rest easy in the knowledge that you will find them at the perfect time.



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